Friday, August 13, 2010

salah tiket

kemaren, ceritanya gw mau nganter ade gw Boqer..lalu, gw berpikiran untuk sekalian mampir ke Gramedia beli stationary.. di perjalanan ke Gramedia, gw yakin banget gw nyimpen tiket parkir di dompet gw..
nahhhhh....pas mau keluar, gw dengan pedenya ngasih tiket yang gw simpen di dompet itu tanpa pikir apa-apa lagi..
dann si mbaknya bilang "maaf mbak, tiketnya salah.."
WHAT?!!! salah??????

"iya, ini tiket keluar yang sudah dibayar. kalau tiket masuk seperti ini, belakangnya begini"
kata mbaknya sambil nunjukin contoh tiket masuk.
oh my goat, gw tambah bingung aja..kalo tiketnya bukan yang itu, terus ada di mana????
terus gw coba cari-cari di dashboard mobil.. hmm ada tiket parkir lagi, gw kasih ke mbaknya..
"ini bukan mbak?"
mbaknya dengan menyunggingkan senyuman di bibir pinknya bilang, "bukan mbak"
lalu dengan pasrah gw bilang, "tapi saya ga punya tiket lagi mbak, gimana ya? Tadi saya dikasihnya yang itu kok," dengan tampang melas.
terus sambil nyari tiket parkir - apapun yang ada di mobil - gw ambil hp terus coba nelpon ade gw buat nanya ada di mana tiket parkirnya.
dan voila! gw dapet satu tiket lagi dan ternyata itulah tiketnya!!! Horraayyy!!!!

gw dapet tiket itu di laci tempat nyimpen uang. sepertinya emang dari awal ade gw naro di situ, tapi gw ga tau, jadi gw ambil aja tiket yang terdekat tanpa liat-liat lagi dan langsung gw simpen di dompet pas mau ke Gramedia..

Lain kali, gw harus teliti dalam simpan-menyimpan tiket..

Friday, August 6, 2010


what comes in what comes out :
in :
- new cute notebook
- dvd futsal
- lagu ciptaan sendiri
- brother
out :
- boyfriend
- money :(

Thursday, July 15, 2010

blog yang hilang -.-


aduh..udah lama ga blogging jadi bingung mau nulis apa..
(kayanya tiap blogging juga bingung mau nulis apa..hehhehee)

oke..kita mulai..

inilah moment2 yang terlewatkan di blog ini =

1. gw lulusssssss!!! finally finished my school..get ready to university.. *i love high school more than ever

2. tgl 4,5,6 kmrn gw cabut nginep ke puncak with my futsale girls..kinda fun.. great CRAZY time with them.. :))

love them.. :*

oke...mgkin segitu dlu..hehee.....

Friday, March 26, 2010

NE week

March 21

It was sleep time already but I still couldn't sleep. I was still nervous about the next day. Yes, the day after that day showed the date 22nd of March. That meant that my national examination was arrived.

So I've studied since 2 days ago, to prepare for tomorrow, but still couldn't sleep. I never thought that I'd feel this kind of feeling. Feeling of confusion, concerns, nervous bout exam. I never imagined, either.

March 22

Two subjects have passed. These exams were not as scary as I imagined. And I admitted that it was pretty easy to ask for answers. Lucky who didn't buy the millions answer (me included), the answer that was said to be 100% right was up to 50% right. I believed my instinct that every answer that was sold by irresponsible person of course, must not be 100% right. I was sure about that.

Tomorrow, English will be waiting. and now I got headache. Oh, great. My God! This is so uncomfortable, so painful. And when I did online try-out, it was getting more painful. I don't know what's wrong with my head. My mom said it was because I was nervous and stressed. Yeah, maybe you're right, Mom. I hope you're right.

March 23

Today should be my 25th months with Eka. But, forget it.

The English wasn't so hard. Well, I guess. The listening section, there was a hard-to-be-listened question. We had to choose the best picture described by the monologue. I was confused between two choices. After the test finished, my friends were asking the same question. "Apa sih jawaban soal yang 'handbag'?" Many answered B. Many answered D. Some answered E. Since we had no idea which one was the best answer to the question, we stopped talking about it.

Tomorrow is math. Honestly, I'm not ready since I didn't understand about circle, vector, transformation, and statistics. But now, I can say myself is a pretty good reviewer. I can understand two of them tonight (well, is that good enough for a lazy girl?). So tomorrow morning I have to review about vector and transformation. And then, *tadaa!* I'll hope the question wouldn't be hard.

Actually, I felt that pain again. I got headache. But this time wasn't as hard as yesterday. I still could study. And now it's cured by itself (what is wrong with my head? please tell me).

Oh! I almost forgot. Clifford chatted me again. I was still angry with him but I didn't show it obviously. I don't know what to do, neither what to feel, nor what to say. Im still mad at him but I can't show him. He seemed nice just like we were.

March 24

The math exam wasn't as hard as I imagined, again. But still, I had to ask for some answers to my friend.

My friend said that the key that she got only 4 numbers were wrong. So, I think it would be a great idea to ask for some answers to her if I don't know the answers.

Tomorrow is Physics. I don't have any special preparation for this. I guess this national exam is just the same as semester test. Even the guards aren't as killer as my teachers. So it was easy for the students to work together. I don't know whether it's been set like that and my school's teacher do the same thing in other school of not.

Hope tomorrow can do better.

About Clifford, I have talked about the problem with him. I don't really care whether he felt guilty or not. I just wanted to know why he did that. Just so I know now.

Just like I said,
mistakes are easy to be forgiven, but hard to be forgotten.

March 25

The guards for Physics test were not fools. It was hard to ask for answer. One of them went out to the front of the class, was talking with class-next-door's guard. He didn't look inside, but the guard-next-door looked. So I didn't have a chance to ask. So unlucky.

Tomorrow LAST DAY!!! Hoorraaayyyy!!! at least I'll have done the heaviest test to pass high school. Tomorrow is Chemistry. Okay, honestly, I did not prepare anything special, again, for tomorrow. So I just hope the questions wouldn't be so hard.

Today, I've been asked for many things to do tomorrow. Mothy asked me to join the choir preparation for Easter Eve Mass. And I must join it. It'll be my last time joining choir. Oh my, I'm so excited to sing Chor medleyed with Halelujah. Stella asked me to watch a movie tomorrow and I suggested to watch Alice In Wonderland and she agreed.  Ira asked me to go wherever the wind blows. Those all make me even lazier and lazier from minute to minute to study chemistry. Oh my, what should I do for tomorrow?

I feel empty. I've broken up with Eka. Okay, that's what I wanted. I feel better. But still, something's missing. And I don't worry about that actually because I believe it will be cured by itself.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

hi there!

Today is Thursday and I still feel the same. I don't know why I feel this way. Someone who just broke up with her boyfriend should be sad and feel lonely. But in fact, I just feel a little lonely and a little sad. Why?? Maybe because my boyfriend and I didn't spend our time together so often, even almost once in two weeks. For this, really, I don't blame him that he goes to university in the capital city and I go to school in the city which is smaller than Jakarta. This is just the situation. I've really known it from the very beginning, but I really couldn't imagine that it would be this hard.
So... the story ended. I broke up with him on Tuesday. Well, kinda hurt, I know. But I must do this for my own good. He promised to love me forever. And for him, promise is a promise, and a promise is not made to be broken. Well, for this one, I don't really care actually. I'm glad if he would love me forever, but hey, get real man! I'm still 18 and you're still 20 and you're talking about the duration between now until the end of the world, huh?! I mean, forever means 'until the day I die' or something like that, right? So, I don't really pay attention to that one.
Yesterday was the first day for me to be a single. No one SMS me, no one give me a phone call before I sleep, and no one was looking for my - deactivated - facebook. It felt different, I admit. But I guess I was ready for this so I wasn't crying or begging for mercy from God to make me feel better. I do feel worse and better at the same time, actually. Well, I can't deny that I was sad to break him up, but I knew that that was what I had wanted for a long time.

"I'm sorry Tata, you are special for me, but I really can't make you even love me more."

And he asked me how to make me still be with him, but I still said no. I said no. I said no. I said no. And I don't feel sorry for that, but I feel sorry to broke his heart. I am really really sorry, but please let me go.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Art of Living pt. 1

What Did I Learn?

- Opposite value are complementary to each other
=> Satu orang bilang 'iya' dan satunya lagi bilang 'tidak'. Tidak selalu yang menjawab 'iya' lebih benar daripada yang menjawab 'tidak', atau sebaliknya. Be open-minded, then those opposite value will be complementary to each other.

- Accept other people and situation as they are, and then take action
=> Setiap orang tercipta begitu adanya. Situasi adalah sesuatu yang tidak selalu dapat dikendalikan. Tetapi dengan menerima situasi, kita dapat berpikir lebih jernih untuk menentukan apa yang harus kita lakukan.

- Don't be a football of other people's opinion
=> Jadilah orang yang punya pendirian. Jangan jadi orang yang mudah dipengaruhi oleh perkataan orang lain.

- Don't see intention behind other's mistakes
=> Pada dasarnya, kita bertanggung jawab akan apa yang kita lakukan dan akibat yang timbul setelah kita melakukan sesuatu. We are responsible of our action and inaction.

- Present moment is inevitable
=> Jangan hanya memikirkan past and future, apa yang telah kita lakukan dan apa yang akan kita lakukan. Ada hal yang lebih penting lagi, yaitu apa yang kita lakukan sekarang.

Prove of our existantion :
1. Body
2. Breath
3. Mind
4. Intelligent
5. Memory
6. Ego
7. Self

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

friend or foe

i remember t.a.t.u.'s song..the title was friend or foe..

"we used to love one another, give to each other, lie undercover
so, are you friend or foe?"

yeah,that song..

it makes me think about something in my life that appears and what do I have now..
Friends..friends..friends..friends of mine.. so many.... bestfriends..bestfriends..bestfriends..anyone? I'm telling you, so many! But, which one are you true friends? are they in your friend list or your best friend list? find out yourself!

a foe means an enemy. an enemy is the most devil thing in our lives. but how if your enemy is your friend or your best friend? disappointing, i know....but i just wake you up to trust people that you can trust.. they don't have to be your best friend, unless you've found your true friend..

ok..enough bacot ga jelasnya bwt mlm ini....good night!